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Reflections on 100 days as an MP

It’s been a very busy 100 days since I was elected as MP for South Devon. Since then, I’ve been busy meeting constituents, organisations, groups and businesses across the constituency, hearing their ideas, concerns and fears.

I’ve met campaigners for clean water and had many conversations with South West Water about a range of issues from flooding to pollution and of course the Cryptosporidium outbreak. I’ve had countless conversations about SEND provision with parents, campaigners, teachers and education leaders. I’ve met with our local hospital leaders, GPs and pharmacists to discuss how we can improve health provision. And I’ve met farmers, fishers and landowners discussing everything from TB in cattle to shellfish export regulations, environmental projects to government funding requirements.

I’ve spoken in debates on the winter fuel payment, rural housing, rural bus services and schools, carbon capture and storage, and violence against women and girls.

I’ve tabled 27 written questions, voted 9 times in Parliament and written 17 letters to ministers.

My team and I have dealt with 2,513 constituent cases and sent 3,576 emails. They are a brilliant team and I’m proud of the work we are all doing to support constituents across South Devon.

I’ve also written 13 newspaper columns and joined in debates on South West issues with the BBC and ITV.

It’s an absolute privilege to represent the people of South Devon in parliament and I’m inspired by the knowledge, passion and skills of people across this beautiful part of the world.

Going forward I’m excited to get to work on the upcoming Climate and Nature Bill being proposed by my colleague Roz Savage, and will work with the Liberal Democrats to keep up the pressure on government to restore our NHS, reduce the cost of living crisis and to make much-needed improvements to education and SEND provision.


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