​MP for South Devon

Frequently asked questions
Who can I help?
According to strict parliamentary protocol, Members of Parliament may only deal with casework on behalf of their own constituents. Therefore, if you live outside of South Devon, you’ll need to contact your local MP if you have an issue.
You can discover who your MP is here:
What can I help with?
As part of my remit as an MP I can assist with any challenges you are facing which are the responsibility of a national government department. This includes pensions, passports, visas, HMRC, and tax credits. If you’re unsure whether your challenge is covered by this remit, you can find out more on the UK Parliament website here:
If your issue pertains to housing, waste disposal, parking, schools, planning, or any other locally delivered service, you should first contact your local Council.
The South Devon parliamentary constituency is divided between two local government areas, with Devon County Council and Torbay Council being responsible for many local services in their area.
Devon County Council is then divided into several districts, including South Hams District Council in our area, which is responsible for many other local services.
The following link sets out your elected representatives at different levels of government:
Devon County Council is responsible for: ​
Local education
Highways and roads
Transport planning
Social Care
Waste Disposal
Strategic Planning
If you live within the Devon County Council area and require help or advice with one of these areas:
Find your local councillor here:
Find Devon County Council’s full contact details here:
South Hams District Council is responsible for:
Local housing issues
Leisure and recreation
Environment health issues
Waste collection
Local planning applications
Local taxation
​If you live within the South Hams District Council area and require help or advice with one of these areas:
​Find your local councillor here:
Find South Hams District Council’s full contact details here:
Torbay Council is responsible for:
Local education
Highways and roads
Transport planning
Social Care
Waste Disposal
Strategic Planning
Local housing issues
Leisure and recreation
Environment health issues
Waste collection
Local planning applications
Local taxation
If you live within the Torbay Council area and require help or advice with one of these areas:
Find your local councillor here:
​Find Torbay Council’s full contact details here:
How long will it take to receive a reply?
My team and I receive hundreds of emails, letters and phone calls from constituents every day, many of which are urgent casework issues. These are prioritised and dealt with as quickly as possible, and include issues related to homelessness, urgent medical issues, and health care.
I will also respond to all non-urgent casework issues that are raised with me, but, as we are prioritising urgent cases, these may take longer to reply to. The same is also true for policy questions, which will also all be replied to, but this may take a number of weeks.
How will my personal data be used?
​You can read more about my privacy policy here:
Useful links
Advice for older people
Age UK Advice Line - Age UK’s advice line is a free phone service for older people, their families, friends, carers and profeionals
Devon County Council Adult Social Care Services - If you have concerns about a vulnerable adult or need care support
Re-engage - Re-engage is a charity which organises call companions, activity groups, and monthly coffee mornings
Community support
Devon Carers - Support service for carers
Dartmouth Caring - Charity supporting Dartmouth and its surrounding villages
One Devon - A collaboration between local councils and the NHS to improve the lives of people in Devon
South Devon Food Alliance - Directory of food banks operating in South Devon
Totnes Caring - Offering wellbeing support to Totnes
Domestic violence services & crimes
Devon County Council Domestic Violence & Sexual Abuse – Directory of charities working with victims of domestic violence
HMRC Scams and Phishing - Report scams and phishing messages to HMRC
National Domestic Abuse Hotline – An organisation working with victims of domestic violence
National Men's Advice Line – Helpline for male victims of domestic abuse
Nightstop South Devon - An emergency accommodation service
South Hams District Council - If you are threatened with homelessness, make a homeless application with South Hams District Council
Torbay District Council - If you are threatened with homelessness, make a homeless application with Torbay District Council
Mental health & wellbeing
Devon Mind - An organisation offering mental health services
Samaritans Crisis Line - 24/7 crisis line for suicidal thoughts
Welfare, paying bills & consumer advice
Citizens Advice Bureau, South Hams - Book an appointment with South Hams Citizens Advice to discuss benefit entitlement and support
Citizens Advice Bureau, Torbay - Book an appointment with Torbay Citizens Advice to discuss benefit entitlement and support