Thrilled to bits that my friend and colleague Roz Savage has chosen the Climate and Nature (CAN) Bill as her Private Members Bill.
Roz came third in the ballot of MPs, to present their own bill to the House of Commons, so she now starts the process of steering this crucial piece of legislation through the house.
I will be there every step of the way to add my support so that we can enshrine the science into law.
The CAN Bill is a legally-binding mission statement which will ensure policy and action on the climate and nature crisis is science-led and people-oriented. If passed into law it will set a gold standard for other developed nations, once again making us a leader in climate change legislation.
Our planet needs us to pass this Bill. We’ll need 100 MPs in the chamber to attend the debate - and all 72 Lib Dem MPs are firmly behind it. With four Green Party MPs that makes 76 - so let’s hope that Labour and some of the other smaller parties will fully commit to supporting Roz in this endeavour.