Proud to join hundreds of environmental experts and MPs at the Green Alliance reception this evening - and hearing excellent speeches. Every person there - in the cloisters of Westminster Abbey - was there because they share a passion for pushing hard on environment goals in this Parliament.
From cleaning up our water to realising the social and health benefits of addressing the nature and climate crises.
Shaun Spiers, executive director of the Green Alliance spoke of this being a huge moment for change. He talked of how we must be able to look back in five years time on a real achievement in tackling the climate and nature crises.
Guddi Singh, paediatrician and co-founder of the Wellbeing and Health Action Movement, spoke passionately about nature and climate being literally matters of life and death.
“We need transformative vision and big ideas.”
She had five asks: decarbonise, invest in public services for better social outcomes, improve housing quality, meaningful work, and allocating national productive capacity to create human wellbeing.
DEFRA Minister Steve Reed OBE said his vision is to make this the most nature positive government this country has ever had.
“Without nature there is no economy, health, food or society. It underpins everything we do and are.”
An optimistic evening.